
  • D.K. Dzhusupbekov al-Farabi Kazakh National University


spring flood period, calculation period, spring runoff, runoff layer, statistical parameters, correlation, variation and asymmetry coefficients, water flow


The article describes the features of spring runoff formation and defines its statistical parameters at 10 hydrological posts of rivers in the Sarysu basin. They are defined for the natural period from 1932 to 1965 and for the period of increased anthropogenic load, from 1966 to 2016. The dispersion parameters and asymmetry coefficients were calculated taking into account the negative displacement of the spring runoff series. The results of comparing the coefficients of variation of spring runoff in the series of these two periods showed that over the past 50 years, the values of the flood flow layer have decreased slightly, and the coefficient of variation has also decreased slightly on almost all rivers. The third parameter of the flow - the coefficient of asymmetry-was determined by the degree of correspondence between the empirical data and the theoretical curve. Analyzing data on many rivers in the Sarysu basin, it was found that the proposed curve, which most closely corresponds to the distribution of spring runoff, is a type III Pearson curve at Cs = 2Cv


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How to Cite

Dzhusupbekov Д. (2023). САРЫСУ АЛАБЫ ӨЗЕНДЕРІНІҢ СУ ТАСУ КЕЗЕҢІ АҒЫНДЫСЫН ЕСЕПТЕУ. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (2), 15–22. Retrieved from https://journal.kazhydromet.kz/index.php/kazgidro/article/view/102




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