
  • Aizat Yeltay RSE «Kazhydromet»




Caspian Sea, water temperature, reanalysis, dynamic


Water temperature is one of the important hydrometeorological characteristics of large bodies of water, because of its influence on biological and chemical processes.

In this work, water temperature data from coastal observation points of Kazakhstan and remote sensing data of the Earth, such as satellite images, and reanalysis, were considered. In the long-term context, in the Kazakh sector of the Caspian Sea, the water temperature ranged from 10.8 ⁰С (Peshnoi) to 12.7 ⁰С (Kulaly Island). The effectiveness of the use of reanalysis data with the use of statistical criteria was evaluated. These quality criteria characterize the reliability of the results, and ERA5 realism data are effective and can be used for analysis, and research. All the databases under consideration showed that SST the average monthly minimum values are observed in January, and the maximum values are observed in the summer period. The change in water temperature over the years has a positive trend.


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How to Cite

Yeltay, A. (2023). ON THE POSSIBILITY OF USING REANALYSIS DATA TO ESTIMATE THE WATER TEMPERATURE OF THE CASPIAN SEA. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (4), 45–51. https://doi.org/10.54668/2789-6323-2022-107-4-45-51

