
  • A.H. Ahmedzhnov JSC "National Center for Space Research and Technology"


atmosphere, water vapor, content, radiation transfer, remote sensing of the Earth, greenhouse gases


The content of water vapor in the atmospheric column on the territory of Kazakhstan is considered according to the data of remote sensing of the Earth from space. The analysis of vertical profiles of water vapor content is carried out. The seasonal and perennial changes in the water vapor content in the atmospheric column were studied


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How to Cite

Ahmedzhnov А. (2023). ДИНАМИКА СОДЕРЖАНИЯ ВОДЯНОГО ПАРА В АТМОСФЕРЕ КАЗАХСТАНА ПО ДАННЫМ СПУТНИКОВОГО ЗОНДИРОВАНИЯ . Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (2), 178–185. Retrieved from https://journal.kazhydromet.kz/index.php/kazgidro/article/view/114

