
  • Диас Ракишев Казгидромет
  • N.N Abayev Казгидромет
  • T.A Тillakarim Kazhydromet



average daily air temperature, precipitation, wind speed, wind direction, Bukhtarma reservoir


In this article, the analysis of the climatic profile of the catchment area of the right tributaries of the Buktyrma reservoir was carried out. The climatic data of air temperature, precipitation for the modern period from 1990 to 2021, and wind speed and direction for the period 1966...2000 were taken as a basis. The results of the work showed that, in the territory under consideration, the average annual air temperature ranges from -1.8 to +3.8 0C. Precipitation in most of the territories is unevenly distributed over time. In the warm season, 60...75% of the annual precipitation falls, in the cold season up to 15%. In monthly precipitation distributions, the maximum is observed in June and July, and the minimum in January. The annual precipitation at the high-altitude weather stations Markakol Reserve (1372 m), Katon-Karagai (1081 m), and Leninogorsk (809 m) for the period 1991..2020 is 441...634 mm, and at the weather stations located in the low-mountain part of the considered territory Kurshim (433 m) and Ulken-Naryn (402 m) varies from 256 mm to 395 mm. The values of the average monthly wind speed, calculated from the daily data series, in the annual context showed a high repeatability of the winds in the eastern direction. In the long-term section, the minimum wind speed is observed at the Markakol Reserve station at 0.6 m/s (January), and the maximum of 4.2 m/s (April) at the Katon-Karagai station.


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How to Cite

Ракишев, Д., Abayev Н., & Тillakarim Т. (2023). CLIMATIC PROFILE OF THE CATCHMENT BASIN OF RIGHT-BANK TRIBUTARIES RIVERS OF THE BUKHTARMA RESERVOIR. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (3), 24–31.

