
  • М.S. Gabbasova Republican State Enterprise "Kazaeronavigation" Central Kazakhstan Regional Center for Air Traffic Management
  • A.S. Nysanbayeva Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi




humidity, sukhovey, drought, wind speed, dangerous meteorological phenomenon


In the research work, the peculiarities of the spread of a meteorological phenomenon dangerous for agriculture – the dry wind in the territory of Eastern Kazakhstan are considered. To achieve this goal, on the basis of long-term data, favorable conditions for the dry wind and the number of days that have passed with the dry season were calculated. In addition, the features of the distribution of the main climatic indicators in the East Kazakhstan region were described. According to the results of the study, during the year favorable meteorological conditions for dry wind are formed in the period from April to November, and the phenomenon of dry wind occurs in May-September. According to the results of calculations, on average, during the warm period of the year in the east of Kazakhstan, the number of favorable conditions for dry wind reaches 60 days, and the number of cases with dry wind reaches 30 days. And in mountainous areas, where there is no shortage of humidity, dry wind is not observed (MS Markakolsky Reserve, Leninogorsk). The areas where the dry wind phenomenon is most often observed correspond to flat and low-mountainous areas with low relative humidity and high wind speed (MS Akzhar, Ayagoz). The results obtained during the research work can be used by specialists working in the field of agriculture, climate research and forecasting of dangerous agrometeorological phenomena.


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How to Cite

Gabbasova М., & Nysanbayeva А. (2023). FEATURES OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF DRY WINDS IN THE EAST OF KAZAKHSTAN. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (2), 52–63. https://doi.org/10.54668/2789-6323-2023-109-2-52-63

