
  • N. Kemerbayev LLP "GEOID"
  • G. Mussina LLP "GEOID"
  • M. Shkiyeva LLP "GEOID"
  • K. Samarkhanov LLP "GEOID", Astana International Scientific Complex
  • А. Batalova LLP "GEOID"
  • А. Rakhimzhanov LLP "GEOID"



gravimetry, calibration basis, Scintrex gravimeter, environment


The article provides examples of the use of gravimetric observations to monitor the environmental situation of mineral deposits. Such measurements are usually made by a group of devices. A high level of accuracy requires the consistency of all instruments used, which is achieved by calibration. An overview of gravimetric calibration systems, which play a key role in accurate and reliable measurement of gravity acceleration on the Earth’s surface, is given. Calibration bases are necessary to ensure metrological control and improve measurement accuracy in such fields of Earth sciences as geodesy, geophysics, geology and other related disciplines. This article discusses different gauge systems used in different countries, including Russia, Poland, Croatia, Switzerland, Canada, Austria, Germany, China, Estonia, Finland, Iran, Brazil, and also in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Kemerbayev . Н., Mussina Г. ., Shkiyeva М., Samarkhanov К. ., Batalova . А., & Rakhimzhanov . А. (2024). AN OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL CALIBRATION SYSTEMS AND THEIR ROLE IN ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (4), 152–166.

