
  • M.А. Zhunisova JSC «Institute of Geography and Water Safety»
  • S. Baisholanov CHU «Astana International Scientific Complex»



temperature, precipitation, vegetation, duration of the period, heat supply


Modern climate norms for the main indicators of heat supply during the growing season in the Almaty region have been established for the period from 1991 to 2021. By comparing the sum of daily air temperatures above 10 °C and 15 °C with 90 % reliability to the heat demand of agricultural crops, the types of agricultural crops that are fully provided with heat were determined based on meteorological stations. The longest growing season (190…200 days) is observed in the central part of the region in the foothill semi-desert zone. The highest heat supply during the growing season (3800…4000 °C) is noted in the central part of the region in the foothill semi-desert zone. In the northern and central parts of the Almaty region, crops with moderate heat demand and heat-loving crops are provided with heat. In the foothill zone, heat-loving crops are not provided with heat, and in the mountainous agricultural areas, late spring crops are also not provided with heat. Maps of the duration and heat supply of the growing season were constructed. The obtained results will be useful in solving practical and scientific problems in agriculture, such as the rational placement of crops, planning the development of the region, ensuring food security.


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How to Cite

Zhunisova, M., & Baisholanov, S. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF THE HEAT SUPPLY OF THE GROWING SEASON IN THE ALMATY REGION. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (3), 40–50.

