steppe zone, landscape, landscape map, West Kazakhstan region, anthropogenic factors, natural factors, steppe landscapesAbstract
This article examines the influence of various natural factors on the formation of landscape and soil complexes in the Zhaiyk River basin. The key components considered in the study include soil types, topography, and natural landscapes. The analysis reveals that the soils of the region range from chestnut and chernozem to sod-podzolic and solonetz soils, which determine the characteristics of vegetation and agricultural potential. Soil complexes are largely shaped by topography, water regime, and climatic conditions. Based on cartographic data obtained from satellite imagery and digital terrain models, an analysis was conducted to assess the distribution of soils and their relationship with vegetation types, water bodies, and other natural features. The results of the study reveal important patterns in the distribution of soil types and assess their role in the region’s ecosystems, providing practical insights for land resource management, agriculture, and environmental conservation in the Zhaiyk River basin. Topography, in turn, affects water exchange and erosion processes, which significantly influence soil types and their distribution. Special attention is given to identifying the interrelationships between soils, topography, and vegetation, as well as the role of these factors in the formation of sustainable ecosystems. The findings confirm that the complex interaction of topographical and soil features influences the distribution of landscape zones, which is crucial for planning agricultural activities and nature conservation.
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