
  • Y.Y. Beldeubayev RSE «Kazhydromet»,




Extremely warm months, ice destruction beginning, complete freezing ending and water clear of ice, average air temperature, ice thickness.


In this paper we are considering the processes of ice destruction on Balkash Lake during extremely warm months. A significant correlation found between the average monthly air temperature of March and the dates of ice destruction beginning, complete freezing ending and water clear of ice. The Bagrov-Tokarev anomaly criterion for March was calculated and the extreme months were determined. The features of ice destruction during the spring season for the years with extremely warm months were analyzed. The number of days with certain types of ice phenomena are calculated, the various types of ice phenomena were analyzed for extremely warm months. The maps of ice thickness distribution were compiled. The deviation of the dates of ice destruction beginning, complete freezing ending and water clear of ice from the averages dates in extremely warm months was found.

The data source were hydrological guides, monthly average air temperature data, and data reanalysis using the CDS Copernicus climate database of the European Center.


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How to Cite

Beldeubayev, Y. . (2022). FEATURES OF SPRING ICE PHENOMENA ON BALKASH LAKE IN EXTREMELY WARM MONTHS. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (2), 47–58. https://doi.org/10.54668/2789-6323-2022-105-2-47-58

