floods, water level dynamics, low water, flood, water resources, water basin, hydro-climatic factorsAbstract
The emerging trend of growth of floods and accidents at hydraulic structures of the pressure type is caused by changing climate parameters (increase in average global air temperature, increase in rainfall, melting of glaciers) and, as a result, change in the hydrological regime of surface and ground waters, as well as increasing man-made pressures on the geo-ecology of the territory.
Every year in the country, floods cause tremendous economic damage to the state and, unfortunately, still lead to death.
The results of the risk assessment of accidents at the largest reservoirs, which determines the risk of water overflow through the dam crest due to the lack of data on observations of the hydrological regime and wear of the dam elements and spillway structures show that the risk of destruction of the dam due to water overflow in the ridge 1.5 - 2 times higher against the accepted standard. Based on the analysis of the causes of floods and accidents at hydraulic structures, as well as the current regulatory acts in this area, the main identification ways to solve problems of their prevention and flood risk reduction were established.
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