About the Journal

The scientific and technical journal «Hydrometeorology and Ecology» is a scientific peer-reviewed journal published with a frequency of 4 issues per year. Journal was founded in 1995. The Journal publishes articles on meteorology, agrometeorology and climatology, boundary layer physics and mathematical modeling. The hydrological section of the journal highlights the results of research in the field of hydrology of land and seas, water resources, avalanches and mudflows. A significant part of the publication is devoted to publications devoted to geographical problems of the environment and aspects of ecology.

Articles are published in Russian and Kazakh languages with an expanded English-language summary and duplication of the list of references with transliteration. Individual articles are published in English with an extended summary in Russian and Kazakh.

The founder of the journal is the Republican state Enterprise "Kazhydromet". The issues of the journal are being prepared for publication at the Research Center. The editorial board includes leading scientists from Kazakhstan, Russia, Europe and other countries in the field of hydrometeorology and ecology. The editorial board is periodically updated as necessary. All articles of the journal are subject to mandatory review and plagiarism testing. There is no fee for publications.

The journal is included in the bibliographic database of Russia (e-Library).

Current Issue

No. 4 (2024)
Published: 2025-01-24





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