
  • Zh.S. Mustafayev Insitute of Geography ans water security




hydrological regime, natural and anthropogenic factors, variability, average annual water discharge, river basin, linear trend.


An analysis of changes in the hydrological indicators of the catchment area of ​​the transboundary Shu River basin in the spatio-temporal aspect, based on information and analytical materials from the hydrological posts of Kochkarka, Orto-Tokai, Milyanfan, Tashotkol, the Furmanovs hydroelectric complex and Ulanbel in a long period of observations covering 1931…2020, shows the presence of their constant fluctuations over the years under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors. The hydrological regime of the catchment area of ​​the transboundary Shu River basin on a spatio-temporal scale with a positive or negative trend in the average annual water discharge is determined by the general nature of natural factors and changes due to increased anthropogenic activity on river systems. The results obtained indicate that the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors are less pronounced in the mountainous and foothill geographic zones than in the foothill-plain and desert zones of the catchment area of ​​the transboundary river Shu.


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How to Cite

Mustafayev Ж. (2022). HYDROLOGICAL PROFILE OF THE DRAINAGE COLLECTION OF THE TRANS-BOUNDARY SHU RIVER BASIN. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (2), 32–46. https://doi.org/10.54668/2789-6323-2022-105-2-32-46

