wastewater, Caspian Sea, groundwater, control, pollutionAbstract
The article considers the influence of oil-containing wastewater generated from industrial enterprises located on the coast of the Caspian Sea, through underground drains on the groundwater and sea water of the Caspian Sea coast within the Mangistau region, the content of controlled pollutants in the studied samples is given. To determine the dynamics of changes in the level of harmful substances in underground and surface waters, 3 production facilities engaged in oil production and processing, located at different distances from the sea, were selected. Two of them are located on the seashore, one object is located 8 km from the Caspian Sea. In 3 studied objects, wastewater that has been treated is discharged into the reservoir.
The work consisted in studying the production area, monitoring the level and temperature of underground and surface waters and conducting laboratory analysis of the content of polluting components in the water using marine stations and hydrogeological observation wells located in the study area.
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