component analysis, geosystem, main components of geosystems, system-forming factors, system analysisAbstract
The article presents the results of identifying the system-forming factors of geosystems and their hierarchy in the Pavlodar region on the basis of the component analysis model, which allow us to obtain data on the structure of the relationships of parameters for the formation of information about the current state and forecast of the dynamics of geosystems in the development of the optimal structure of nature management.
Separate quantitative indicators of geosystems obtained on the basis of cartographic materials, using the spatial interpolation method, are considered, and numerical values of the following parameters are used as initial data: duration of sunshine, radiation balance, average annual precipitation, average annual river runoff, maximum river runoff, coefficient of variation or variability of annual runoff, turbidity, average slope, average slope exposure, average NDVI value, etc.. In the calculation of the value matrix in geosystems, the "FACTOR" software is used to build components (programmer T. F. Savina on algorithms of L. M. Pavlichenko).
Based on the analysis of scientific papers, the possibility of component analysis to combine statistical modeling and system analysis of specific objects (geosystems) is shown. The use of system analysis in the construction of component analysis is demonstrated, which allows you to identify the functions of the geosystem and rank them by their contribution to the total variance of the system, taking into account the nature of the relationship and self-organization of the system.
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