
  • F.Zh. Akiyanova Institute of Geography and Nature Management of the International Scientific Complex "Astana"
  • Е.М. Karakulov Institute of Geography and Nature Management of the International Scientific Complex "Astana"
  • N.B. Zinabdin Institute of Geography and Nature Management of the International Scientific Complex "Astana"
  • N.I. Vasilchenko Department of Land Cadastre and Technical Survey of real estate, Branch of NAO "State Corporation "Government for Citizens"


sheet erosion, erosion development factors, digital elevation model, Akmola Region, Kazakhstan


The article shows the results of a quantitative assessment of erosion processes on the example of actively developed territories of a large grainproducing region of Kazakhstan - Akmola Region. Geoinformation technologies and Earth Remote Sensing Data are first used for the assessment and mapping of the erosion processes along with the analysis of a significant array of climatic and soil data and field studies. As a result of research, the map with quantitative indicators of sheet erosion on the territory of Akmola region has been made. For most of the area minimum values of planar flushing are representative (up to 0,5 t/ha per year), the increase of this rate to 13,2 t/ ha per year is typical for cultivated slopes and watershed steeply sloping plains, flanking lowland-hummocky arrays. Due to the fact that the most valuable topsoil is removed by processes of sheet erosion, obtaining quantitative parameters of the development of the process is of great practical importance. The results should be taken into account in the development of land and arrangement of soil erosion protection.


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How to Cite

Akiyanova Ф., Karakulov Е., Zinabdin Н., & Vasilchenko Н. (2023). APPLICATION OF REMOTE DATA ANALYSIS METHODS FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF SHEET EROSION ON THE EXAMPLE OF AKMOLA REGION. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (2), 22–37. Retrieved from

