thermal regime, atmospheric precipitation, climate, climate change, continental indexAbstract
The article deals with long-term changes in the main components of climate-temperature regime and precipitation in the city of Petropavlovsk of Republic of Kazakhstan. The analysis of long-term meteorological data and their changes for the period from 1935 to 2019 is given. The analysis revealed that the rate of increase in the average annual temperature was 0.17 °C/10 years, the maximum changes were made in the winter season, the thermal regime of which changed 3 times faster than in the summer. Annual precipitation amounts tend to increase slightly (7...8 mm/10 years). The winter, autumn and spring seasons have changed. In the summer season, there is no tendency to increase or decrease the annual precipitation amounts. The index of continentality of Petropavlovsk was determined, which was 57.1 %. It has undergone a decrease in the degree of continentality by 0.53 %/10 years.
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