
  • Laura Bazarbay Казгидромет
  • A.G. Yeltay Research Center of RSE «Kazhydromet»
  • G.M Shishkina




Caspian Sea, wind wave, ECWAM, wave height, wave direction


The Caspian Sea is an inland body of water subject to various hydrometeorological phenomena and, in particular, wind waves. The development of observation methods and data processing currently makes it possible to study wind waves in the open water area of the sea. This paper presents a review of remote sensing data, in which the characteristics of wind waves are presented. According to RS data, the maximum wave height is observed in the Middle Caspian Sea. The highest values of the maximum wave height were observed in different periods of the year, however, in the cold period their number prevailed.


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How to Cite

Bazarbay, L., Yeltay, A., & Shishkina, G. (2023). OVERVIEW OF REMOTE SENSING DATA ON WAVE PROCESSES IN THE KAZAKH PART OF THE CASPIAN SEA. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (3), 52–59. https://doi.org/10.54668/2789-6323-2023-110-3-52-59

