
  • A. Munaitpasova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • A. Zheksenbaeva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • G. Orakova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • G. Musralinova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А. Nyshanbai Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



global warming, air temperature, precipitation, anomaly, trend line, Mann-Kendall test


Currently, the problem of climate change has not only alarmed meteorologists, but has also become a large-scale topic of public attention in general. One of the Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nations is the Fight against climate change (SDG-13 CIS-13), within the framework of which large-scale projects and a number of activities are being carried out in the country. Modern climatic changes in Kazakhstan lead to an increase in air temperature and precipitation, as well as the duration, intensity and frequency of hydrometeorological phenomena. It is important to understand the dynamics of their changes, to determine the patterns of occurrence. During the research in 1942...2022. The meteorological stations Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semey, Shemonaiha, Katon Karagai, Kurchum, Zaisan, Aksuat in East Kazakhstan have a tendency to increase air temperature by 0,2...0,4 0C every 10 years. There was a tendency for precipitation to increase by 1,6...7,7 mm every 10 years at Zaisan, Shemonaiha and Semey stations, and by 4,1...5,9 mm every 10 years at other stations. Anomalies in air temperature and precipitation over the past decade have shown a positive trend. According to the Mann-Kendall test, the value of the air temperature change was higher at all stations in February March and August. The value of precipitation changes in the spring and autumn months is small, and at Zaisan, Shemonaiha and Semey stations it was higher in the cold season.


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How to Cite

Munaitpasova А., Zheksenbaeva А., Orakova Г., Musralinova Г., & Nyshanbai Ә. (2024). MODERN CLIMATE CHANGES IN EASTERN KAZAKHSTAN. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (3), 31–39.

