



water security, foresight research, water resources management, sustainable development, concept


In the modern world, water security issues are becoming increasingly relevant and are key to ensuring the sustainable development of society. The world community faces serious challenges related to the threats of pollution of water sources, climate change, ecosystem instability and inefficient management of water resources. Solving these problems requires not only immediate measures, but also long-term strategies that can ensure the preservation of water security for the future. The research work is an analytical review of current problems in the field of water security and possible strategic solutions to solve them using foresight research methods. The article highlights the current threats and challenges facing water resources in the modern world, and discusses the advantages and effectiveness of applying foresight research methods in this area. Within the framework of the conducted scientific research, the key areas of strategic planning for ensuring water security in the future are highlighted through the analysis of the current state and forecasting potential changes in the water sector.


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How to Cite

Alimkulov С., & Makhmudova Л. . (2024). WATER SECURITY: KEY ASPECTS AND PROSPECTS THROUGH THE PRISM OF FORESIGHT RESEARCH. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (3), 114–128. https://doi.org/10.54668/2789-6323-2024-114-3-114-128




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