level, correlation, regression, change, northeast sectionAbstract
The Caspian Sea is subject to multi-year, seasonal and short-period changes in level, especially due to the influence of anthropogenic and climatic factors. The conducted correlation and regression analysis of water level data of the river Zhaiyk river – Atyrau city and the Caspian Sea - Peshnoy Station showed a fairly high linear relationship (r=0,93, R2=0,87) between the long-term average daily values of characteristics for 2006...2023. Rise in the Zhaiyk river - Atyrau city in the period of low water is directly reflected in the sea level rise at the sea Peshnoy Station, which was clearly seen in the current year. Thus, space images of Sentinel-2 L2A satellite for April-May 2024 recorded the inflow of river water into the Caspian Sea. The assessment of the relationship between the characteristics under consideration showed that high correlations are not the main factor in determining the impact of the Zhaiyk river flow of the sea, for its northeastern part, other factors of level change (storm winds, tidal events and others) should be considered in particular.
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