Zhaiyk River, ice phenomena, meteorological parameters, climatic changes, duration of ice phenomena, air temperature, water dischargeAbstract
This article examines the changes in ice phenomena and meteorological parameters of the Zhaiyk River during the period from 1936 to 2021. The changes in ice phenomena observed over many years along the Zhaiyk River were analyzed. For this, long-term data on the start and end of ice phenomena at various stations along the river were used. As a result, it was established that the formation of ice on the river has shifted to later dates, the clearing of the river from ice has shifted to earlier dates, and the duration of the ice cover has decreased. The Mann-Kendall test and the Sen's Slope method were used to assess the changes in long-term average air temperatures in the region. As a result, it was determined that the annual air temperature increase is within the range of 0,032...0,035. Additionally, changes in long-term values of temperature and precipitation, as well as their impact on river discharge, were analyzed. The study results show that global and local climate changes have a significant impact on ice phenomena and the hydrological characteristics of the Zhaiyk River.
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