oil, oil pollution, gray-brown soils, microbiological analysis, microorganisms, heavy metalsAbstract
The main environmental problem in regions with a developed oil and gas industry is the pollution of environmental objects with oil and petroleum products. In the oil and gas regions of the country, an extremely unfavorable environmental situation has already developed, which is getting worse from year to year. In this article, an environmental assessment is carried out by microbiological and chemical analysis of gray-brown soils contaminated with oil and petroleum products.
The paper reflects the bioindication value of various ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms, in particular, heterotrophic microorganisms and mold fungi. Analysis of the responses of mold fungi to various types of anthropogenic impact in terrestrial ecosystems makes it possible to better assess the bioindication potential of the microbiota.
Based on the data obtained, it is possible to trace the survival strategy of various microbial communities in the studied anthropogenic ecosystem. Modern developments in the basic principles of microbial community ecology, as well as advances in population biology and numerous data on the response of individual species to abiotic and biotic factors will allow us to analyze the bioindication potential of the microbiota at different levels of the ecotechnosystem organization. The use of our data provides a basis for developing a plan of measures aimed at improving the health of the environment.
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