landscape, geosystem, natural system, phytodiversity, natural zoneAbstract
In recent years, low-mountain massifs of Central Kazakhstan have been the least studied areas. Flora is an integral part of geosystems and is the main indicator of natural and anthropogenic changes. The objective of this paper is to review the use of bioresources in the Karkaraly Lowlands and Karkaraly State National Nature Park (KSNNP). The descriptive method of research was used while writing this paper, the first part of which focuses on the physical and geographical description of the area, as well as the habitat. Further, the author focuses on the method of ecological assessment of the forest area and the method for assessing biodiversity, and their importance. To
preserve the phytocenosis and fauna in the Karkaraly Lowlands, it is necessary to assess the current state of biodiversity, assess their structure and the potential for rational use. While writing the article, the causes of environmental tensions in the KSNNP area of both anthropogenic and natural origin were outlined. The review of the use of the area's bioresources provides an opportunity to monitor biodiversity in KSNNP in the future. The author concludes the article with a list of recommendations to address the problems of bioresources use in the Karkaraly Mountains.
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