
  • E.A. Zakarin EcoRisk LLP, Almaty
  • L.A. Balakay EcoRisk LLP, Almaty
  • К.А. Bostanbekov EcoRisk LLP, Almaty
  • T.V. Dedova EcoRisk LLP, Almaty
  • R.A. Zhetpisov EcoRisk LLP, Almaty


mathematical modeling, environmental risks, city atmosphere pollution, WRF, HYSPLIT, stochastic model


The technique of risk mapping of city atmospheric pollution by point sources (for example, pipes of thermal power plants) is proposed. The method is based on a set of statistics by solving direct problems of meteorology and ecology (air pollution). At the same time, the use of WRF and HYSPLIT models adapted to the conditions of the city of Almaty is provided for, and examples of calculations for these models are given. The algorithm of the stochastic model includes the calculation of risk measures in the form of the expectation and dispersion in each GRID cell.


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How to Cite

Zakarin Э., Balakay Л., Bostanbekov К., Dedova Т., & Zhetpisov Р. (2023). MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF THE CITY AIR POLLUTION RISKS. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (2), 50–62. Retrieved from




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