
  • Айгуль Егинбаева НАО "ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева"



landscape system, oronyms, relief forms, metaphorical terms, geomorphological shields, state of nature, indicator terms, Kazakh upland, geographical concept


The article considers the system of oronyms that characterize the features of the terrain of the Shetsky district of the Karaganda region. The spatial patterns of distribution and concentration of the oronym system of the territory, which differ in various landforms, and the activity of orotermines in the toponyms were differentiated on the basis of actual data confirmed in tables and maps. The degree of expression of typical types of oronyms in geographical names was also determined on the basis of landscape features, and etymological studies were conducted.


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How to Cite

Егинбаева, А. (2023). REGULARITIES OF THE PLACEMENT OF ORONYMS OF THE SHET DISTRICT. Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (1).

