
  • N.I. Ivkina RSE «Kazhydromet»


Emba river, snow-fed river hydrology, river basin, remote sensing, snow depth


The available information from the hydrologiacal stations of the RSE "Kazhydromet" on the water regime parameters of the Emba River, the second most important river on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea, the 700-kilometer channel of which is used as the border between Europe and Asia, has been generalized. It is noted that the river is fed by snow, and according to the conditions of the water regime, it belongs to the Kazakh type. The main phase of the river's water regime is the spring flood, which accounts for most of the annual runoff, and sometimes its entire volume. A feature of the hydrology of rivers of the Kazakhstan type is the complexity of the processes of formation of the channel flow of the spring flood, the parameters of which are significantly influenced by various weather factors. The volume of spring flooding is determined by the result of the competition between the processes of absorption into the soil layer and the flow of water down the slope. The amount of snow, the rate of its melting, the presence of freezing of the soil and other factors lead to the variability of the seasonal volumes of river runoff by tens of times. The available time series of data from the gauging stations of the RSE "Kazhydromet" are fragmentary and insufficient for determining statistically significant estimates of the river flow rates. Emba. In this work, to illustrate the variability of the river flow, hydrographs of several contrasting years (2009, 2014, 2016) are given. The 18-year dynamics of changes in snow reserves in the river basin in the period from January 1 to April 30 were determined from satellite data. Snow trends in the zones of formation of the river. Emba in the period 2001 ... 2018, determined by the USGS / EROS FEWS NET “Snow Depth” satellite product, are aimed at increasing the seasonal maximum of the snow cover height. Analysis of “Snow Depth” roughened to “Snow Cover” (with or without snow cover) shows a slight decrease in the duration of snow coverage of the pool. In general, long-term changes in the snowfall regime of the river basin. Emba are aimed at increasing the water content of the river


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How to Cite

Ivkina Н. (2023). FEATURES OF THE EMBA RIVER WATER REGIME (EASTERN COAST OF THE CASPIAN SEA). Hydrometeorology and Ecology, (3), 93–110. Retrieved from https://journal.kazhydromet.kz/index.php/kazgidro/article/view/211




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